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As a thought leader, Jah has impacted personal life outcomes by prioritizing and delivering critical concepts through emotional intelligence and empathy. As an EQ Life Coach, Jah can emphatically address conditioned behaviors directly correlated to temperamental, pathological, and subliminal energies from personal experience and business environments.

Jah exercises a calculated and systematic approach to problem-solving and emotion regulation. They can provide an emotional blueprint for understanding the inner workings of taught mindsets, biases, and reactions, primarily stemming from social, familial & environmental conditioning.

Jah has gained over 20+ years of hands-on behavioral analysis, psychological research, and human behaviorism through conditioned daily interactions and observed reactions to trained and unforeseen happenings. With this empirical foresight, Jah has created a system that will guide individuals into self-awareness, emotional accountability, and genuine empathy of self.